The Good and The Worse Effect to Children That Playing Games Too Much

Recently playing games at personal computer (PC) become very popular than before.Many people were addicted to playing games,especially kids.They prefer staying at home,spent their time to play game than go outside to have outdoor activity with their friends.Actually,it brings good effect but in other hand,it also brings worse effect.

In good portion,playing games bring good effect such as to advance our kids mind and develop their imagination. PC games serve our kids many characters with various shapes,colors,and movement which it can develop our kids imagination, some games and most of them are in kind of strategical game, so our kids can practice their brain in strategical arrangement and how the way to think logically.

nevertheless,sometime we-as a parents- didn't have much time to control our kids activities,so their often playing games in superfluous portion.Like people say that 'something in superfluous isn't good' and it has.Just staying at home with PC will make them have problem in communicating ability and their mental advances because game in PC could played byself or maximum by two people which mean that they less contact with their friends. It makes them being individual, less confident and tolerance even lost sensitivity to people arround them which not good for their mental advances.

Then,ofcourse we didn't want even dream our children to behaving like that.We've know for sure that they grow normally with no problem in communicating and mental advances, since if they have problem with it,they will becoming not "human".Therefore,we will regret it for whole life.Now its up to us to manage ourself so we have much time with our child,accompany them when they playing games and control their activity including how many hours they permitted to playing games.Beside,if we have a holiday try to get them to the beach,forest,mountain or summer camp so they will forget their PC and do more even enjoy outdoor activity.
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nulis apa ya enaknya?????

aturan se yang di tulis tugas bahasa ingris tapi berhubung tugas tersebut lagi di "culik" oleh seorang teman sebut saja mawar(nama disamarkan .red) maka dengan segala kerendahan hati(??) saya pun menulis tulisan ini,,nah  kenapa saya menulis tulisan ini? karna biar blognya ada isinya barang setitik dan mumpung ngenet gratisan di rumah seorang teman sebut saja melati (demi ketenangan jiwa dan raganya terpaksa namanya juga disamarkan :D ). yeah... udah dulu ah,,akhir kata semoga orang-orang yang dengan ikhlas mau membaca postingan saya yang kurang penting tapi penting ini , amal ibadahnya di terima Allah SWT,,,, Amin......>____<

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